This course is free, because we want to transfer knowledge to the community, therefore we feel that information should be free and accessible. This is our way of giving back, and as a result making communities safer, by creating more knowledgeable and responsible firearm owners.
This course will discuss how to properly handle your firearm through various group scenarios. There will be a brief discussion regarding the 2A community and the responsibility we all share as gun owners, but most of this course will have practical applications.
This 1-day course is an intro to basic pistol fundamentals while focusing on firearm safety. A few objectives for this course are to teach attendees how to perfect the system they are operating. Instructors will cover a functioning stance, grip, sight picture, and trigger control with dry fire drills as a warmup. We want students to master the handling of their firearm, so you can learn what your capabilities are, and try improving them.
This 1 day course will teach you how to successfully clear malfunctions under duress, while getting effective hits on targets. You will also learn how to effectively use cover and/or concealment, as well as how to get your firearm back in the fight. Instructors will run you through safe transitions around barriers while getting effective hits on target. Instructors will run you through various drills and techniques, that will increase your shooting times while maintaining accuracy and proficiency.
This 1-day course will test your cognitive ability to quickly assess a threat and stop it; while shooting from unconventional positions, unstable terrain, from cover and concealment. Instructors will teach you how to fight and survive with your pistol. Participants will engage in tactical reloads while under duress, with your left and right hand, under timed simulations. You will also clear malfunctions while on the move, as you quickly deal with multiple threats.
At Scipio Systems transparency begins with sales. Even earlier. but because it’s the first time when we can speak to you. It’s a good practice to invite the delivery team (product owners, business analysts) to the meeting. This is your chance to meet the people who will take care of the product. At Scipio Systems, we go even further. Sometimes we even bring our principal software engineer to give you an inside on how to tackle the project from the technical standpoint.
When we agree on details, the talk about pricing begins. You should always know what the pricing covers and why. What will happen in every sprint, how much a specific functionality will cost. How much time we need to develop a minimum lovable product (MLP), the finished application. Every single functionality!